Reading JSON data from couchdb views in R

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R language supports importing data from JSON file/URL but couchdb views have a nested output that is not that R friendly if you only want to get the "values" part of a view.

Here is a sample view output


This gets imported in R as large list with nested elements.

If you only need to get the elements of "value" this piece of code might come handy

#include libraries 
#disable treating strings as factors
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#get data from URL
jsondata=fromJSON(getURL("http://couchdb.url/path-to-view"), nullValue=NA)
#create a data frame
value_data <- data.frame()

#bind rows
for (jsonrow in jsondata$rows){ 
  value_data <- rbind(value_data, jsonrow$value)
# enable strings as factors
options(stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
#remove unneeded variables
rm(jsonrow, jsondata)
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