OpenCPN plugin for Trackpoint II
I've found my self having access to an ORE 4410D-01 TRACKPOINT II Plus SYSTEM and i tried to plot it's target data on OpenCPN.
This was a chance for acquiring a few skills related to C++, DEB packaging, and Code::Blocks IDE.
Kerbal Space Program default monitor on Linux
Installing G.729 and G.723.1 codecs on Asterisk
This small how-to describes the installation G.729 and G.723.1 codecs on Asterisk.
Automatically add routes when PPTP client connects
Recently i faced the problem of connecting two LANs using PPTP and an intermediate PPTP server. I had to use this approach because the network setup was such that none of the LAN routers (DD-WRT) could contact the other but both could contact an intermediate server.
Running multiple instances of Skype on Linux
Trying to run a second instance of Skype 4 for Linux and you just bring your running instance in the foreground? Here is how to do it.